Anyways, thanks in great part to my money education from my parents while growing up, I was able to graduate with my Bachelor's Degree without ever getting into debt once. This was done with minimal help from my parents- unless you count the wisdom they gave me of course. But, now I really want to get more money smart. I'm pretty good at saving money (though I'm good at "Investing" this money into traveling so... I don't know if that really counts haha).I want to be able to always travel when I want to travel. I want to be able to help people out that really need it. It would be awesome to have all the money I needed to accomplish all of my dreams.
Now granted, I know that it is easy to not dream and not do the things you want to do because you are waiting on money. You can't let that stop you. If you want something bad enough, money won't stand in your way. But, I believe an education about money is also valuable, and I can already see the benefits in my life as I try to apply simple principles I learn about money based upon my experience, what I see in the lives of others, and the advice of people I trust.
Money education comes a lot by experience, but you can get it other places too. I am reading a book right now that I am learning tons from about money! It's called: "The Richest Man In Babylon"by George S. Clason. It's super good and not very long! I've been going through and highlighting things that I am learning, and then I'm applying it to my life. It's been great! I like making my own education, especially when it's about something as important as making money so I can follow all of my dreams. I recommend it!