Thursday, October 8, 2015

Get Healthy!

     There is no better time to work on taking care of your body than now. Don't be too busy for this! Later in life you will have a family, a consuming job, or a million other things. If you can't get yourself healthy now, what makes you think you will ever get there? And I know we in our 20s get bored probably more often than we like to admit. So why not cook up a nice homemade healthy meal? We often feel restless too. I have found that even just going on a walk can help a ton with this! So move your body and eat stuff that is good for you.
     My friend and I are trying to improve our eating habbits. Based upon things we've read and what we think we are able to do, the following pictures show our new meal habbits we've started. The three circles represent breakfast, lunch, and dinner. We've been going strong for a month now, and it's been great! We aren't perfect but this "diet" is easy enough that we rarely want to cheat. Make up your own diet! It's much more fun than following someone else's. You're probably more likely to do it too!

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